About Me

I’m a fourth-year undergratuate at IIIT Hyderabad, studying computer science and computational linguistics. I’m currently an undergraduate researcher under Dr. Vinoo Alluri, and Dr. Makarand Tapaswi.

My research work currently centers on better understanding and explaining the way deep learning models process audio specifically, and information in general.

I have varied interests ranging across mathematics, computing, language, and music. Currently, I’m particularly interested in interpretability, multi-modal deep learning, and auditory processing in the human brain.

Undergraduate Researcher, IIIT Hyderabad

2022 — 2025

Researching on the interpretability of deep learning systems for audio tasks under Dr. Vinoo Alluri (Music Cognition Group, Cognitive Science Lab) and Dr. Makarand Tapaswi (Video Language Group, Center for Visual Information Technology)

Intern, Algorithms and Analytics team, Texas Instruments India

2023 — 2023

Worked on studying and implementing algorithms for fast, single-stage scene text spotting for deployment on embedded systems.

Contributor, Google Summer of Code

2022 — 2022

Worked on XFCE's file manager Thunar, adding features such as undo/redo, file counts for folders, and a new gallery view.

Student, IIIT Hyderabad

2020 — 2025

Currently pursuing a dual degree, B.Tech in Computer Science and MS in Computational Linguistics by Research, at IIIT Hyderabad.